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Fueling the Future:

A Look at Sustainable Options for the Maritime Industry


As the world continues to transition towards a more sustainable future, the maritime industry is also exploring new options for cleaner and more efficient fuels. Marine fuels have traditionally relied heavily on fossil fuels, particularly heavy fuel oil, which is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. However, the industry is now looking towards alternative fuels that can reduce its impact on the environment.

Even though conventional marine fuels, such as heavy fuel oil and marine diesel oil, still dominate the global marine fuel market, accounting for around 95% of total marine fuel consumption in 2020, several alternative fuel solutions are gaining popularity. In this article, we'll explore some of the most popular alternative marine fuels, their advantages, as well as the challenges.

Liquified Natural Gas

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a promising alternative to traditional marine fuels. LNG is essentially natural gas that has been cooled to its liquid state (-162°C), reducing its volume by 600 times, making it easier to transport and store. LNG produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than heavy fuel oil, and it also produces less sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM) emissions. LNG has the largest market share among alternative marine fuels, accounting for around 2% of total marine fuel consumption in 2020, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

However, there are challenges with using LNG as a marine fuel - one of them being the infrastructure. Because the infrastructure for LNG bunkering is not yet fully developed, this means that ships must go out of their way to refuel – which is both inefficient and can require more fuel to do that, defying the goal of carbon emission reduction. Largest bunkering ports, such as Singapore, Rotterdam and Antwerp, have been investing into development of LNG bunkering infrastructure to support the growing demand for cleaner marine fuels. LNG bunkering industry is still relatively new, and there are many other ports around the world that are also developing their capabilities in this area, however, it will take some time.

Other concerns are related with production, liquefaction process, storage and transportation of LNG. Since it is a cryogenic liquid that is stored at extremely low temperatures, this means that any leaks or spills can result in rapid vaporization and expansion of the gas, leading to potential explosions or fires. Another environmental concern is that the process of liquefying natural gas requires significant energy, which in turn generates greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, transportation of LNG by tanker ships can have environmental impacts such as oil spills, release of toxic chemicals, and disturbance of marine ecosystems. Less popular, however not less important concern is the transportation of LNG between countries, as it often requires international agreements and cooperation and agreements, which can be complicated and subject to geopolitical tensions.

Overall, while LNG can offer benefits such as increased energy security and reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to other fossil fuels, its production and transportation must be carefully managed to address these concerns.


Biofuels are a type of renewable fuel that can be produced from organic matter, such as plants and algae. They are considered a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels because they are sustainable, carbon-neutral, and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In recent years, there has been growing interest in using biofuels as an alternative marine fuel, particularly for shipping vessels.

The use of biofuels in marine transport can help reduce the environmental impact of shipping, which is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Biofuels can be used in a variety of marine engines, including diesel engines, and can be blended with traditional fuels in varying proportions depending on the engine requirements.

There are several types of biofuels that can be used as marine fuels, including biodiesel, biogas, and bioethanol. Biodiesel, for example, is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking oils, and can be used in existing diesel engines without modification. Biogas, on the other hand, is a gaseous fuel produced from the breakdown of organic matter, such as waste, and can be used in gas engines.

One of the key advantages of biofuels as marine fuels is their low sulfur content, which can help reduce sulfur emissions from shipping. In addition, biofuels can be produced locally, which can help reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and increase energy security.

Biofuels currently account for a small share of the global marine fuel market. According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), biofuels accounted for less than 0.1% of total marine fuel consumption in 2019. However, the report suggests that the use of biofuels in shipping could grow significantly in the coming decades, reaching a share of 5-10% of the global marine fuel market by 2050.

The use of biofuels in shipping is also supported by various national and international policies and initiatives. For example, the European Union has set a target for renewable energy to account for at least 14% of the energy consumed in the transportation sector by 2030, which includes the use of biofuels in shipping.

However, there are also some challenges associated with the use of biofuels as marine fuels. One of the main challenges is the availability of feedstocks, which can be limited and subject to price fluctuations. In addition, the production of biofuels can require significant amounts of land, water, and other resources, which can lead to competition with food production and other land uses.

The exact number of vessels using biofuels can vary over time and across regions. Some estimates suggest that several hundred vessels globally have experimented with or utilized biofuels as a part of their fuel mix. These vessels include a mix of different types, such as cargo ships, ferries, cruise ships, and naval vessels.

It's worth noting that the use of biofuels in the maritime sector is influenced by factors such as the availability and cost of biofuels, infrastructure requirements, technical feasibility, and regulatory frameworks. As the development and adoption of biofuels in the maritime industry continue to progress, the number of vessels using biofuels is expected to increase


Hydrogen is another promising alternative fuel for the maritime industry. Like biofuels, hydrogen is a renewable and clean energy source that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel for ships in two main ways: as a fuel for fuel cells or as a fuel for combustion engines.

Fuel cells use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, which can be used to power the ship's electric motor. This process is highly efficient and produces only water as a byproduct, making it a zero-emission technology. However, fuel cells require high-purity hydrogen, which can be difficult and expensive to produce, store, and transport.

On the other hand, hydrogen can also be used as a fuel for combustion engines, either in its pure form or as a blend with other fuels such as diesel or natural gas. Hydrogen combustion engines can be retrofitted to existing ships, making them a potentially more practical option in the short term. However, like fuel cells, the use of hydrogen as a combustion fuel also requires the development of a dedicated supply chain, as hydrogen has a lower energy density than traditional fuels, meaning more storage space is needed.

One of the key advantages of hydrogen as a marine fuel is its high energy density, which means that it can provide a lot of energy in a relatively small volume. This can help reduce the amount of space needed for fuel storage on board ships, which is particularly important for larger vessels. Hydrogen is also a versatile energy carrier that can be produced from a variety of renewable sources, including solar and wind power.

However, there are also several challenges associated with the use of hydrogen as a marine fuel as well. One of the main challenges is the high cost of producing, storing, and transporting hydrogen, particularly in large quantities. In addition, the infrastructure for producing and distributing hydrogen is still limited, and further investment and development is needed to support the growth of the hydrogen economy.

Overall, while hydrogen has great potential as an alternative marine fuel, further research and development are needed to address the challenges associated with its production, distribution, and use. However, given the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, the development of hydrogen as a marine fuel is likely to be an important area of focus for the industry in the coming years.


Methanol is another alternative fuel that is being considered for use in the maritime industry. It is a liquid fuel that can be produced from a variety of renewable sources, including biomass and waste materials, making it a potentially sustainable and low-carbon fuel option for shipping.

One of the main advantages of methanol as a marine fuel is its relatively low cost and wide availability compared to other alternative fuels such as hydrogen. Methanol can also be used in existing internal combustion engines with only minor modifications, making it a potentially more practical option for retrofitting existing ships.

Methanol has a higher energy density than hydrogen, but lower than traditional marine fuels such as diesel and heavy fuel oil. This means that methanol requires larger storage tanks than traditional fuels but still takes up less space than hydrogen. Methanol also has a lower greenhouse gas emissions profile compared to traditional marine fuels, with a reduction of up to 15-20% in carbon dioxide emissions.

However, methanol also has several drawbacks as a marine fuel. One of the main concerns is the safety risks associated with handling and storing methanol, as it is flammable and toxic. This requires the development of specialized safety protocols and equipment to ensure that the fuel is handled safely on-board ships. Methanol combustion also produces some harmful emissions, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), which can contribute to air pollution.

Despite these challenges, several methanol-powered ships have already been deployed in the maritime industry, including tankers and container ships. Some notable examples include the passenger ferry Stena Germanica, which was retrofitted to run on methanol, and several vessels in the fleet of Waterfront Shipping, a subsidiary of Methanex Corporation, which is one of the largest methanol producers globally. The use of methanol as a marine fuel is also supported by various policies and initiatives, including the IMO's strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from shipping.

Overall, given its relatively low cost and availability, methanol could be a practical and cost- effective option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping in the near future.

Towards greener shipping

Ships can change their fuel type to alternative fuels in several ways, depending on the specific vessel and the type of fuel it is currently using. One option is to retrofit the ship's engine to be compatible with the new fuel. This could involve modifying the engine's combustion system, fuel delivery system, and other components to accommodate the different fuel characteristics. Another approach is to blend the new fuel with the existing fuel in the ship's tanks. This can gradually transition the ship to the new fuel without requiring any major modifications to the engine. In some cases, it may be possible to convert the ship's engine to run on a different type of fuel altogether. For example, a ship that currently uses heavy fuel oil could potentially be converted to use liquefied natural gas (LNG) or biofuels. Some modern ships are equipped with dual-fuel engines that can run on multiple types of fuel. This allows the ship to switch between fuels depending on availability, cost, and other factors. Finally, new ships can be designed and built with alternative fuel systems from the outset, allowing them to bypass the need for retrofitting or conversion.

Overall, the process of switching to alternative fuels can be complex and costly, but it is becoming increasingly important as the shipping industry seeks to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and comply with new environmental regulations.